Some PBL messages for parents and carers
Alexandria Park Community School has an official Facebook page.
Learn more about our great school and what's happening each week by following us on Facebook
click here FACEBOOK this is a direct link to our Facebook page. Otherwise you can find us at:
https://www.facebook.com/alexandriapark communityschool/ (without the gap)
Alexandria Park Community School has an excellent website.
Our school website remains a great tool for engagement and communication for parents, students and the wider community. The calendar is updated weekly, copy permission notes and various news items are published. It also provides links to the most recent posts on Facebook.
Organising time to talk to a teacher
At times parents and carers may come to school wanting to talk to a teacher. Teachers have a professional responsibility and a duty of care to their students and their classes and as such they are not available to meet with parents or carers when they are on allocated teaching or playground duties. If you need to speak to a teacher please make an appointment by either phoning on 96981967 calling into the office or by emailing the school putting the name of the teacher in the subject box.
Personal details
To support effective communication I encourage all parents and carers to provide the school administration offices with updated contact details – address, phone numbers, emails and emergency contact annually and when any of these details change. Call into the office to get a ‘change to personal details form' which can be completed and returned to the school administration offices. Alternatively the form can be downloaded from the school website.
Be Respectful
Entry to our school is a privilege and not a right. At no point in time is it okay for a parent or carer to approach another child and to talk to them about concerns they have or to reprimand them. If a parent or carer has an issue or a concern with another student in the school they are to make an appointment with the Deputy Principal or the Principal to discuss the matter.
Be Safe
Safety at School - Student Health Matters
The school must be informed of any health concerns of a student. If your child requires medication we ask you speak to your doctor to request a medication that can be administered outside of school hours.
If a student does require medication at school parents and carers must complete a "Medications Consent Form". Hand the completed form to the office staff along with the medication for safe storage. Students are not allowed to carry their own medication at school.
If your child has been diagnosed with a medical condition which could require an emergency response for example severe asthma, anaphylaxis, epilepsy, parents/carers will need to provide the school with an ACTION PLAN from their doctor. This plan must contain the doctor's signature, a current photo of your child and a summary of the condition and the emergency procedures that need to be followed. The school will then meet with the parents and students (if age appropriate) to develop a School Health Care Plan.