Alexandria Park Community School

Community Opportunity Success

Telephone02 9698 1967

Yakka Taka K-6

Teaching and Learning

Teaching and Learning

Students across K-6 interact with different library programs every week. These programs centre on the development of information literacy skills and digital literacy skills, along with the promotion of engagement with quality literature and the development of a love of reading. These skills can easily be intertwined in each Key Learning Area and subject focus. Students in K-2 develop these skills during weekly timetabled lessons with the K-6 teacher librarian (Miss Beth Ruschen), while students across Year 3-6 focus on this skill development in a co-teaching setting with the teacher librarian and classroom teachers. 

K-6 Library Website

K-6 Library Website

Our K-6 library website can be accessed via the ‘News’ tab in Oliver. It offers a wealth of information about current school subscriptions available to K-6, as well as some fabulous student work samples. Make sure to check it for information about upcoming events throughout the year! (Click on this logo under the Oliver ‘News’ tab – you will need your child’s DoE student login details)



Oliver is our departmental catalogue system where students can access ‘all things library’! Here, students can search to see books and items in our school’s physical collection, rate and review items, reserve books and access the K-6 Yakka Taka website! Click here to start exploring Oliver today! 

The APCS K-6 library facilitates the Scholastic Book Club twice a term. All orders must be made online, via the LOOP portal, which can be accessed using this link: 

Magazines are sent home, when online orders open for each issue, to provide browsing and selection assistance. Once selections have been made, simply complete your orders online before the due date and your deliveries will be handed to your child at school once it arrives. 

Upcoming Events

There are currently no upcoming events for the K-6 library. Be sure to check back here soon for information regarding Book Week, book fairs, visiting authors/illustrators and many more exciting events happening throughout 2022!