25TH FEBRUARY | Meet the Teacher BBQ for Primary 4:30pm -5:30pm |
Please complete the school response form emailed via SchoolBytesto assist with catering. | Meet The Teacher Volunteer Sign Up
28TH MARCH | K-4 Movie Night Movie Starts 6:15pm -8pm DOORS OPEN 5:45pm APCS Denzil Free Event for K-4 Families BYO Picnic Older siblings are welcome |
Let us know you're coming! RSVP here: Click to RSVP | K-4 Movie Night Volunteer Sign Up
TBD Term 2 | Election Day BBQ & Cake Stall | Election Day BBQ & Cake Stall Volunteer Sign Up | |
27TH JUNE | 5-6 Silent Disco 6:15pm -8pm DOORS OPEN 5:45pm APCS Denzil Free Event for Year 5 & 6 |
5-6 Silent Disco Volunteer Sign Up
TBD Term 4 | P&C Fundraising Event Showcase & Fundraising Event 6pm -8pm Location To Be Announced |
Become a P&C member and help plan our main fundraising event |
Get Involved with P&C Initiatives
APCS P&C Inclusion and Diversity Sub-committee
View the full message here.
The P&C of Alexandria Park Community School has an Inclusion and Diversity Sub-committee which is focussed on ensuring all children and families feel welcome at the school.
The P&C Inclusion and Diversity Sub-committee was started in 2021 with the following aims:
● Raise awareness of inclusive education practices and principles and the benefits it provides to the whole school population.
● Work with the school to enhance the school’s capacity to educate children with disabilities or other barriers to inclusion.
● Provide a support network to parents/carers of children with disabilities or other barriers to inclusion.
How to get involved
The Sub-committee will provide updates and a chance to meet its members at each P&C meeting. We realise that some people cannot make it to P&C meetings.
If you would like to participate, please contact Libby Gunn at: APCSPandCinclusion@gmail.com
or private message me on Facebook (via the Alexandria Park Community School P&C group)
Second-Hand Uniform Shop
The Second-Hand Uniform Shop is run by the P&C, and usually open 1-2 days per week near the school entrance near the Bunin (Main Office) on Park Road. As days and times may vary, please follow our Facebook group for updates:
How to get involved
● DONATE your child's outgrown school uniforms. You can drop off gently used items in the Donation Box located in the School Office.
● VOLUNTEER your time to assist with washing, sorting, or staffing the shop during operating hours. If you're able to lend a hand, please reach out to us at apcspandc@gmail.com or through our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/apcspandc/
P&C Event Subcommittees
P&C-organised events are made possible by the commitment and hard work of our dedicated parent volunteers, whether it's through planning leading up to the day or the active involvement of volunteers during the event itself.
If you would like to contribute to our planning efforts, we invite you to become a member of the P&C and join one of our subcommittees.
Working Bee
From time to time, certain projects, such as gardening, may arise that require volunteers to come together to carry out communal work. The School and P&C will communicate details about these Working Bee sessions and volunteer requests when they arise.
P&C Online Community
Stay connected with the school and P&C through our Facebook group pages. These platforms are the fastest way to receive updates about functions and events.
Join APCS P&C online at https://www.facebook.com/groups/apcspandc/
For further inquiries or to connect with the P&C, you can also email us at apcspandc@gmail.com