Homework Centre
APCS secondary school operates a homework center in level 1 Yakka Taka on Wednesdays (2:50pm - 5pm) during school terms. Details are stated in this HOMEWORK CENTER NOTICE. You can make enquiries by contacting the teachers mentioned in the notice via email.
Library Website
APCS secondary school has a virtual library website which complements its physical library on level 1 Yakka Taka. To access APCS 7-12 Virtual Library , you will need your child's DoE login.
Rules for computer printing -APCS Library
Computer print outs of assignments (or anything of self-interest) cost 20 cents per A4 sheet. You should follow the procedures below for prompt service.
1. On your computer, Save/share your documents with library staff (apcslibrary@gmail.com) or office staff (alexparkcs-c.school@det.nsw.edu.au )
2. Fill in a printing request form (supplied in the library & the office) and give it to either the library staff or office staff in person or via email
3. Collect your print outs later and pay for the service (remember to ask where you should pick items up)
NB: You should always allow plenty of time (eg. At least 2 periods) for this service. Never 5 minutes before your class starts. It’s wise to hand in requests at the start of a school day. You must have the correct amount of money for your printing. The office staff can not provide change to you.
Semester 1 Extra-Curricular Activities
APCS library will host a knitting club & a book club in the high school Yakka Taka in Semester 1, 2023.
Please complete the online application forms at any time if you are interested in joining either of the clubs.
Successful applicants will be notified via email. If there is no vacancy at the time of application, we will place you on a waiting list for the following semester.
Please click on an image below to request to join a club.