To ensure that our school records are constantly kept up to date at all times, we ask that each time any changes are made to any of the following that the relevant form is completed and handed to the front office as soon as possible so the students record is kept up to date.
Update personal information form:
Update details form (pdf 204 KB)
Use this form to update: telephone numbers (home, mobile, work), email address, street address, emergency contact details.
If any of the above change at any time during the year the office needs to be informed so all our details are kept up to date in case of an emergency.
Medical forms:
Student Medical details (pdf 59 KB)
Allergies form (pdf 46 KB)
Other than Allergies form (pdf 42 KB)
Please ensure if your child is requiring any medication or suffers from allergies, asthma, etc that the office is informed and relevant forms are filled in.
Please check the expiry date on any medications given to the office each term.
Holiday leave application request forms:
Extended Leave Application (pdf 85 KB)
If you are travelling for any extended time with your child please ensure that you fill out the Leave Application Form above and also speak to the office.
Permission to publish form:
Authority to Publish (pdf 91 KB)
This allows the school to use a photograph of your child in our newsletter/website etc - these pictures will only show your child in school situations (in class, school grounds, sport, activities, etc).
Absence notices:
If a student is absent from school for one or more days please contact the school office to advise.
Upon return to school the student will need a written note from their parent/guardian explaing the reason and dates on why the student was/will be absent from school. If the student has been ill a medical certificate will also be required to cover the number of days absent. It can then be recorded in the system and kept in the students file.
Family situations - court orders, change of circumstances - please contact the Principal as soon as possible as these details must be updated as needed.
We only have information that you provide to us kept in our system and we ask that you keep all your information current with the school and ensure you are contactable during school hours in case of an emergency.
If we can not contact the parent/guardian in case of an emergency then the first emergency contact will be contacted.
It is important that a parent/guardian is contactable during school hours in case of an emergency.