The Interact Club continue to liaise with our local Rotary Club at Darling Harbour.
The Interact Club allows high school students aged 12-18 to give back to the community and learn about local and global issues.
Every year they select a local project and a global project. Best of all, it's all student-run!
There are many students who don't join the SRC but are still interested in volunteering and charitable works and in the past many students have found it highly rewarding (and they get to include it in their CVs).
The Rotary Club provides our students with some amazing opportunities, from attending leadership camps, to science experience days at University and Model United Nation Assemblies every year.
If you are interested in becoming a member of our Interact Club School please see your year advisor for further details.
Our Interact members are self starters, sef motivated and all are a wonderful group of students.
So come on join us!