Alexandria Park Community School

Community Opportunity Success

Telephone02 9698 1967

Amended Bell Times due to COVID-19 Restrictions

As of Tuesday 18th August 2020 APCS will be implementing changes to the end of the school day for K – 12 to strengthen physical distancing protocols. Until further notice Parents/Carers are to remain outside of the school grounds at all times including during drop-off and pick up.

We ask for your assistance and patience as we transition to our new procedures, reminding everyone that the changes are to keep all of us as COVID safe as possible. 

K-2 will finish school at 2:45PM

3-6 will finish school at 3:00PM

Kindergarten students will be picked up from Gate Three at 2.45pm (the main K-6 gate on the corner of Park Rd and Buckland St). Parents will be asked to queue in a social distanced way (at least 1.5m apart) outside the gate and when they reach the front of the queue at the school gate their child will be called by the supervising teacher and meet them at the gate. 

Stage One (Years One and Two) students will be picked up from Gate Two at 2.45pm (the first gate on Buckland St when coming from the primary school) Parents will be asked to queue in a social distanced way (at least 1.5m apart) outside the gate and when they reach the front of the queue at the school gate their child will be called by the supervising teacher and meet them at the gate. 

Stage Two (Years Three and Four) students will be picked up from Gate Three at 3.00pm (the main K-6 gate on the corner of Park Rd and Buckland St). Parents will be asked to queue in a social distanced way (at least 1.5m apart) outside the gate and when they reach the front of the queue at the school gate their child will be called by the supervising teacher and meet them at the gate. 

Stage Three (Years Five and Six) students will be picked up from Gate Two at 3.00pm (the first gate on Buckland St when coming from the primary school) Parents will be asked to queue in a social distanced way (at least 1.5m apart) outside the gate and when they reach the front of the queue at the school gate their child will be called by the supervising teacher and meet them at the gate. 

Siblings will need to be collected from the gate of the oldest K-6 sibling in the family. (eg Kindy and Year One siblings would be collected from gate two @ 2.45pm, Year One and Year Six siblings would be collected from gate two at 3.00pm, Year One and Year four siblings would be collected from gate three at 3.00pm)

High School students in Years 7-12 will finish school at 2:30PM and to exit via the Buckland or Belmost Street gates.

High school students who pick up younger siblings are to go to Room 7 at 2:30PM and remain under teacher supervsion until they pick their siblig up at either 2:45PM (Years K-2) or 3:00PM (Years 3-6)


High School Bell Times