This section will be where you will have up to date information for the Re-Build of APCS.
For the NSW Department of Education direct link and all up to date details regarding works please see this link:
Upcoming information booths
To find out more about the Alexandria Park Community School redevelopment project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming events:
- Saturday 18 November 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets - 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh, 8:30am-10:30am
- Saturday 9 December 2017 at Woolworths Supermarket - 10 Fountain Street, Alexandria, 2:00pm – 4:00pm
- Tuesday 12 December 2017 at Alexandria Park Community School – main entry, corner of Power Ave & Park Road, Alexandria, 5:00pm-7:00pm
- Saturday 20 January 2018 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets - 245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh, 11:00am-1:00pm
July 2017 project update
Progress summary
Planning continues for the redevelopment of the K-12 school on Park Road. The Project Reference Group (PRG) is working with the project management team and the architect to further develop the detailed design of the site.
Tasks completed since the last update
- A shade structure over the basketball court and graphic murals were installed on ‘The Buckland' during the school holidays. The imagery for the murals was selected by the students and staff incorporating Australian flora and fauna that represent the four school houses (Waratah, Wattle, Blue Gum and Banksia) and reference the demolished mural that used to exist along the public pathway between Belmont and Buckland Streets.
Next steps and key events
- Planning has commenced on staging the construction to ensure the school remains operational on the Park Road site for the duration of the works
- The Secretary of the Department of Planning and Environment's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) has been received and work has continued to produce an environmental impact assessment for Park Road.
- Design reviews are continuing with key technical and educational stakeholders in the department including security, maintenance, future-focused learning and the educational facilities standards team
- The department is entering into high level discussions about memorandum of understanding with local councils for shared use of school facilities. In that context, discussions continue with the City of Sydney Council in relation to the potential for shared community use of facilities as part of the redeveloped Alexandria Park Community School (APCS)
- TKD Architects will continue to progress the schematic design in consultation with the PRG
- The PRG will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings
- Consultation will be ongoing with the Department of Planning and Environment, the City of Sydney Council and other authorities in the preparation of the State Significant Development Application
Images: Two of the graphic murals which have been installed on ‘The Buckland'. Image credit: Leading Hand Design and Danilo Brandao at Boccalatte.
Community information updates
The project team has continued to keep the local community up to date with recent information booths held at:
- NCIE Inner City NAIDOC Family and Sports Day, 12:00pm–2:00pm, Friday 7 July 2017
- Carriageworks Farmers Markets, 8:30am–10:30am, Saturday 22 July 2017
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming events:
- Saturday 5 August 2017 at Woolworths supermarket in Fountain Street, Alexandria, 2:00pm–4:00pm
- Saturday 12 August 2017 at Alan Davidson Oval (400 Sydney Park Road, Alexandria), 9:00am–11:00am
June 2017 project update
Progress summary
The ‘Buckland' is occupied and operational.
Planning continues for the redevelopment of the K-12 school on Park Road. The Project Reference Group (PRG) is working with the project management team, and the architect, to further develop the detailed design of the site.
Tasks completed since the last update
- The electrical substation was commissioned by Ausgrid on 15 June 2017. The generator which has been used on site since the secondary students and staff occupied the Buckland on 6 March 2017 has now been decommissioned
- The schematic design for the Park Road campus redevelopment is ongoing in consultation with the PRG
- The Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) has been received, and work has continued to produce an environmental impact assessment for the site
- Design reviews are continuing with key technical stakeholders from the department including security, maintenance, future-focused learning and the educational facilities standards team
- The department is entering into high level discussions on memoranda of understanding with local councils for shared use of school facilities. Discussions are underway with the City of Sydney Council in relation to the potential for shared community use of facilities as part of the redeveloped Alexandria Park Community School
Next steps and key events
- TKD Architects will continue to progress the schematic design
- It is planned that a shade structure over the basketball court and graphic murals will be installed at the ‘Buckland' during the July school holiday period. The imagery for the proposed murals has been selected by the school students and staff and incorporate Australian flora and fauna that represent the four school houses (Waratah, Wattle, Blue Gum and Banksia) and reference the demolished mural that used to exist along the public pathway between Belmont and Buckland Streets
- The PRG will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings during the school term
- Consultation will be ongoing with the Department of Planning and Environment, the City of Sydney Council and other authorities in the preparation of the State Significant Development (SSD) application
Images: Two of the graphics that will be installed on "The Buckland". Credit: Leading Hand Design and Danilo Brandao at Boccalatte.
Community consultation
The project team has continued to keep the local community up-to-date with recent information booths held at:
- Saturday 3 June 2017 at Surry Hills Markets, 8:00am-10:00am
- Saturday 17 June 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets, 8:30am-10:30am
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming events:
- Friday 7 July 2017 at Inner City NAIDOC Family & Sports Day (NCIE - 180 George St, Redfern), 12:00pm-2:00pm
- Saturday 22 July 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets (245 Wilson St, Eveleigh), 8:30am-10:30am
May 2017 project update
Progress summary
The 'Buckland' is occupied and operational.
Planning continues for the redevelopment of the K-12 school on Park Road. The Project Reference Group (PRG) is working with the project management team and the architect to further develop the detailed (schematic) design for the new school.
Tasks completed since the last update
- The NSW Department of Planning and Environment Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) have been received and work has commenced to produce an environmental impact assessment for the site
- Design reviews occurred with key technical and educational stakeholders in the department including school security, maintenance, future-focused learning and the educational facilities standards team
- We have commenced high-level discussions about a memorandum of understanding with local councils for shared use of school facilities. In that context, discussions are underway with the City of Sydney Council in relation to the potential for shared community use of facilities as part of the redeveloped Alexandria Park Community School.
Next steps and key events
- The schematic design for the Park Road redevelopment is progressing. TKD Architects will continue to progress the schematic design in consultation with the PRG
- Graphic murals are anticipated to be installed on ‘The Buckland' buildings by the commencement of Term 3 2017. The imagery for the proposed murals has been selected by students and staff. They incorporate Australian flora and fauna that represent the four school houses (Waratah, Wattle, Blue Gum and Banksia) and reference the demolished mural that used to exist along the public pathway between Belmont and Buckland Streets
- The PRG will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings
- Consultation will be ongoing with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment, the City of Sydney Council and other authorities in the preparation of the State Significant Development (SSD) application
- The electrical substation is anticipated to be installed on Buckland Street, boosting electrical infrastructure capacity for the commencement of Term 3. This will enable the decommissioning of the generator which has been used on the site since the secondary students and staff occupied The Buckland on 6 March 2017.
Community consultation
The project team has continued to keep the local community up to date with recent information booths held at:
- Preschool Music and Movement Redfern Community Centre, Thursday 4 May 2017
- Carriageworks Farmers Markets, Saturday 20 May 2017
- Surry Hills Markets, Saturday 3 June 2017
Upcoming information booths
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming events:
- Saturday 17 June 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets (245 Wilson St, Eveleigh), 8:30am-10:30am.
If you wish to discuss an aspect of the project please email
Alexandria Park Community School is a Kindergarten to Year 12 school located in Alexandria, in the heart of Sydney. The school is currently a dual campus site, with the senior school on Mitchell Road (known as Mitchell Road Campus) and the junior school on Park Road (known as Park Road Campus).
We are redeveloping Alexandria Park Community School to cater for up to approximately 1,000 primary school students and up to approximately 1,200 secondary school students. The redevelopment will deliver significant upgrades, improving the facilities and ensuring the school can cater for the increasing student enrolments from Kindergarten to Year 12.
The redevelopment will:
- include flexible, future-focused learning spaces which will enhance innovative and engaging learning and teaching practices;
- maximise outdoor green space; and
- consolidate the existing dual campuses onto one campus; the Park Road Campus of Alexandria Park Community School.
Image: Concept Plan endorsed by the PRG on 4 May 2017. The design is subject to change as the design progresses and consultation continues with a range of stakeholders including the school community, local community, technical stakeholders, and City of Sydney Council. Image Credit: TKD Architects.
Project staging
Master planning for the redevelopment of the Park Road Campus commenced in mid-2016. This significant project will be delivered in the following stages.
Stage 1 - Pop-up School 2017 on the Park Road Campus
Stage 1 will deliver a pop-up school on the Park Road Campus and includes the relocation of classes from the Mitchell Road Campus into the new pop-up high school.
Consultants engaged - June 2016
Design complete - November 2016
Construction complete - Early 2017
Stage 2 - Park Road Campus Redevelopment
Stage 2 focusses on the construction of new permanent accommodation for up to 800 secondary aged students (Years 7 – 12) and 1,000 primary aged students (Years K – 6). The new accommodation will include classrooms, general and specialist learning spaces and administration, as well as student services, library, canteen, gymnasium, communal hall and a COLA. The redevelopment will continue to provide accommodation for Wunanbiri Pre School.
Consultants engaged - October 2016
Construction complete - 2022 in line with Minister Adrian Piccoli's announcement.
Stage 3 - Park Road Campus Redevelopment
The final stage will provide permanent accommodation for an additional 400 secondary aged students (Years 7 – 12). This future stage of the development will allow for the projected growth in enrolments in the area.
The Project Reference Group (PRG)
A PRG has been established to provide local input to the project team, communicate the progress of the project to the school and community, and to gather feedback and ideas to inform the project.
The PRG is the key stakeholder group providing school and community input into the designs for the pop-up and new accommodation.
In addition to representatives from the department's Asset Management team, the external consultant team and students from the school, the PRG includes:
- Ros Moxham and Sylvia Corish – Directors, Public Schools NSW, Inner City Strategy
- Virginia Pacey, Director Public Schools NSW, Marrickville Principals Network
- Diane Fetherston – Principal, Alexandria Park Community School
- Glen Kingsley – Deputy Principal, Alexandria Park Community School Staff Representative
- Neil Morris – Alexandria Park Community School Parent Representative
- Deborah Daley – AECG Representative
- Terry Denzil – Community Representative
- Jo Fletcher – Community Representative
How to stay informed
Updates and information will be published in school newsletters and as well as on this website.
Consultation will be undertaken with the school and local community throughout the project via information booths, workshops and surveys.
The April project update is now live on the Department's website:
click here for direct link for: April 2017 and access to the Departments
April 2017 project update
Progress summary
During the Easter school holidays, one additional demountable building for food technology was installed as part of the Buckland St Buildings. Landscaping works, and the new basketball court has been completed.
Tasks completed since the last update
- The design for the Park Road Campus Redevelopment is progressing into the schematic design stage
- The application requesting the Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) was lodged to the Department of Planning and Environment on 3 April 2017
- Further design reviews continued with key technical stakeholders
- Consultation is continuing with the City of Sydney Council in relation to the potential for shared community facilities as part of the redevelopment
Next steps and key events
- TKD Architects will continue to progress the schematic design
- Graphic murals will be installed at the Buckland St Buildings during Term Two. The imagery for the murals has been selected by the school students and staff - incorporating Australian flora and fauna that represent the 4 school houses (Waratah, Wattle, Blue Gum & Banksia) and makes reference to the recently demolished mural that used to exist along the public pathway between Belmont and Buckland Streets
Image: One of the graphic murals that will be installed on the Buckland St Buildings. Image credit: Leading Hand Design and Danilo Brandao at Boccalatte.
- The PRG will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings
Community consultation
Image: Results from stakeholder surveys which identify key ideas to be incorporated into the new school buildings. Image Credit: TKD Architects
The project team has continued to provide opportunities for the community to ask questions about the project at information booths. The recent information booths were held at:
- Alexandria Summer Fair, Sunday 26 March at Alexandria Park
- Playgroups in the Park, Tuesday 4 April at Redfern Park
- Carriageworks Farmers Markets, Saturday 22 April.
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming events:
- Thursday 4 May 2017 at Preschool Music & Movement (Redfern Community Centre), 10:15am-12:15pm
- Saturday 20 May 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets (245 Wilson Street, Eveleigh), 8:30am-10:30am
To find out more about the project please contact the project team at
The above has been copied from the Department website.
March 2017 project update
Progress summary
The new Buckland Street buildings opened to staff and students on 6 March 2017.
Due to poor weather, some external landscaping works are continuing following the opening. Any disruption to school operations, as a result of these works, will be minimal.
Tasks completed since the last update
- The design for the Park Road campus redevelopment is progressing from the concept design stage into the schematic design stage, guided by the input collected from workshops and information booths that have been held to date
- Design reviews are continuing with key technical stakeholders
- TKD presented the most recent iteration of the concept design to a Parents and Citizens (P&C) meeting on 12 March 2017
- Discussions are continuing with the City of Sydney Council in relation to the potential for shared community facilities as part of the redeveloped Alexandria Park Community School.
- The Mitchell Road campus has been vacated to make way for ‘early works' to commence on the site, in preparation for relocating the Cleveland Street Intensive English High School.
Next steps and key events
- TKD Architects will continue to progress the schematic design
- The Project Reference Group (PRG) will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings
- Consultation will be ongoing with the Department of Planning and Environment, the City of Sydney Council and other authorities in the preparation of the State Significant Development (SSD) application
- The application to request the Department of Planning and Environment to issue Secretary's Environmental Assessment Requirements (SEARs) will be lodged at the end of March 2017.
Upcoming information booths
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at either of the following upcoming events:
- Tuesday 4 April 2017 at Playgroups in the Park - Redfern Park, 10:00-1:30pm
- Saturday 22 April 2017 at Carriageworks Farmers Markets (245 Wilson St, Eveleigh), 8:30am-10:30am
- Thursday 4 May 2017 at Preschool Music and Movement - Redfern Community Centre, 10:15am-12:15pm.
February 2017 project update
Progress summary
Work is continuing to ensure the Buckland Street Buildings are open to staff and students on 6 March 2017.
Image: In-situ photo of the Alexandria Park Community School.
Due to recent poor weather, some external landscaping works will continue following the opening. Any disruption to school operations as a result of these works will be minimal.
Tasks completed since the last update
- The design for the Park Road Campus Redevelopment is progressing well with TKD Architects completing the concept design.
- The concept design has been endorsed by the Project Reference Group (PRG) and is being reviewed by key technical stakeholders.
- New school facilities, with potential for shared community use, are being investigated; discussions are underway with the City of Sydney Council.
Next steps and key events
- The Mitchell Road campus will be vacated to make way for ‘early works' to commence on the site, in preparation for relocating the Cleveland Street Intensive English High School.
- The design will now progress from the concept stage into the schematic stage, guided by the input collected from the workshops and information booths that have been held to date.
- The PRG will continue to review key project issues at fortnightly meetings.
Community consultation
The project team has continued to keep the local community up to date, with information booths held at Joynton Park Markets, ‘Family Culture Day' at the Block, Carriageworks Farmers Markets and ‘Summer on the Green' from December 2016 to February 2017.
To find out more about the project, you are welcome to come and speak with the project team at the following upcoming event:
Alexandria Summer Fair
- Sunday 26 March 2017, 11am–3pm.

What an exciting program of re-development we have commencing at Alexandria Park Community School.
As you know, we have confirmed the location of the pop up high school, which will be constructed on one end of the oval. The plan is that the high school staff and students (7-12) will commence use of the pop up high school from Term 1 2017.
As well, the master planning for the re-build of the permanent K-12 school on the Park Road site has also commenced.
The first stage of the planning is to give the architects a sense of what we value and what is important about our school to students, staff, parents and the wider community.
Next week there are two opportunities for parents to contribute to the first phase of consultation.
We invite you to participate in one of the following consultation sessions run by the architects commissioned to design our school.
Tuesday November 22nd, 6.30-7.30pm in the professional learning centre on the Mitchell Road campus.
Wednesday November 23rd, 9.30-10.30am in the consultation classroom. Please meet in the administration foyer of the Park Road campus.
If you would like to attend one of these consultation sessions please RSVP to Linda Turner or Charlene Flood on 9698 1967 by close of business - Monday November 21st 2016.
24th October 2016:
Another great meeting about the Pop-up high school and the re-build of APCS. Students, parents, staff and community members meet fortnightly as a Program Reference group (PRG) to talk to the Architects and the Project Managers about the needs of the students and the community to design and plan for the re-build of our school. We are all very pleased and very excited with the progress to date. Parents and community are invited to come to the next P & C meeting on Monday November 7 at 6.30pm in the library on Park Road to keep up to date with information about this project.
Copy details from the Department website updated 5.9.2016.
Planning for a major upgrade of Alexandria Park Community School has now commenced.
The planned redevelopment will:
- Deliver multi-storey buildings as part of a redeveloped school on the Park Road Campus of Alexandria Park Community School which will have the capacity to meet the needs of increasing students enrolments from Kindergarten to year 12;
- Include flexible, future-focused learning spaces which will enhance innovative and engaging teaching practices; and
- Maximise outdoor green space.
Classes currently based on Alexandria Park Community School Mitchell Road Campus will relocate next year to a pop-up high school on the Park Road Campus.
Project Update – to July 2016
- A head design consultant has been engaged to complete the design for the pop-up high school (Stage 1).
- Site investigations are underway for the Park Road Campus including land surveys, services investigations, geotechnical investigations and building investigations.
- An information booth was held at the school on 2 July 2016 to provide information about the redevelopment project to members of the local community.
Upcoming Activities – August/September 2016
- The project manager for the project (Stages 1, 2 and 3) is expected to be appointed.
- The head design consultant for Stages 1 and 2 of the redevelopment project is expected to be appointed.
- Further consultation with key stakeholders will be carried out to feed into the proposed design for the pop-up high school.
The Project Reference Group (PRG)
A Project Reference Group (PRG) has been established to provide local input to the project team, communicate the project status to the school and community, and to gather feedback and ideas with regard to the project.
The PRG is also the key stakeholder group providing school and community input into the design.
As well as representatives from the Department's Asset Management team and the external consultant team, the PRG includes:
Ros Moxham, Virginia Pacey, Sylvia Corish – Directors, Public Schools NSW
Diane Fetherston – Principal, Alexandria Park Community School
Glen Kingsley – Deputy Principal, Alexandria Park Community School Staff Representative
Neil Morris – Alexandria Park Community School Parent Representative
Deborah Daley – AECG Representative
Terry Denzil – Community Representative
Jo Fletcher – Community Representative
Project Staging
Master planning for the redevelopment of the Park Road Campus will commence mid-2016 and as part of this process the staging of the project will be confirmed.
Stage 1 – Pop-up School
The initial stage will involve the establishment of a pop-up school on the Park Road Campus and relocation of classes from the Mitchell Road Campus into the pop-up high school.
Consultants engaged - June 2016
Design complete - November 2016
Construction complete - April/May 2017
Stage 2 – Park Road Campus Redevelopment
As part of Stage 2, it is proposed to provide permanent accommodation for up to 800 secondary (years 7 – 12) and 1,000 primary (years K – 6) students. This will include classrooms, specialist teaching spaces and administration, as well as student services, library, canteen, gymnasium, communal hall and COLA.
Consultants engaged - August/September 2016
Construction complete - 2020
Stage 3 – Park Road Campus Redevelopment
The final stage will provide permanent accommodation for an additional 400 secondary (years 7 – 12) students. This future stage of the development will allow for the projected growth in enrolments for the area.
How to stay informed
Updates and information will be published in school newsletters and as well as on the Department's website.
Consultation will be undertaken with the school and local community at all stages of the project, with information booths, workshops and surveys forming part of this process.
Letter to parents, carers and Facebook regarding the build: Information Letter (pdf 967 KB)
Honouring the Past………..Daring to Dream…….
A Vision for the Future.
The recent announcement by Education Minister, Adrian Piccoli, of a re-build of Alexandria Park Community School K – 12 on the Park Road campus has been met, understandably so, with a myriad of emotions from staff, parents, students and community…………..change does this.
For many of us this is the change that we have been asking for, advocating for, working towards, networking for….and now it is happening.
The original vision for Alexandria Park Community School, in its conception and creation, was for a Preschool to Year 12 school from which other facilities which support children, families, learning and well-being would stem – where the school was at the centre of the community, meeting the needs of its local community and providing the service and facilities families in the local area need and want.
Now is the time to honour the past and take the essence and heart of that vision and dare to dream, dream big, dream proud and build a vision for the future. We have the opportunity to create and build the services and facilities this local area needs…like a preschool, sporting fields, a café / canteen/cafeteria, maybe a public library, an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture and language centre, a performing arts centre, lecture theatres, city farm, sustainable and environmentally friendly structures ……the possibilities are exciting.
And then there is our new look school – designed by our community, based on our educational principles and values…….. a 21st century, state of the art, inspiring, fun, engaging, motivating, environmentally friendly structure that we will all be proud to call ‘our school'.
For now, in this early stage of planning and a period of ‘the unknown', I ask that you continue to support our great school. I am asking you to trust me, our staff and our planning team. Trust that I, with the support of my staff and the P & C, will work tirelessly to look after the education and well-being of all of our children, now and into the future. The staff at Alexandria Park Community School are experts in their fields of Infants, Primary and Secondary education – we know what the best conditions are for learning from Kindergarten to upper primary to the middle years of high school and into studies for the High School Certificate. This will not change – our expertise, care and passion for our core business which is the learning and well-being of our students from K – 12 will continue throughout this change process.
Please come to our P & C meetings to hear more about the re-build project. Updates will also be published in the Schools Newsletter
Minister Piccoli visits staff and students of Alexandria Park Community School.