Alexandria Park Community School

Community Opportunity Success

Telephone02 9698 1967

School Photos - Primary

Primary Photo Day March 11th

Alexandria Park Community School Primary School photographs will be held on Tuesday 11th March 2025. GS Imaging Group will be photographing individual students, class groups and siblings’ photos. 

What to wear 

All students are to wear their school uniform:

  • Red APCS school shirt with navy skort, skirt, shorts or pants
  • Navy or white socks and black shoes


About the photo envelope 

The personalised envelope will set out the costs for the different types of photo packages that you can order. If you have not received the envelope, please ask your class teacher or see the staff at the administration office of the Bunin. To ensure photo day runs smoothly, that your order is processed correctly, and that we get the best results possible, please attend to the following: 

  • Indicate on the envelope your order by ticking the appropriate boxes 
  • Place payment in the envelope and seal. Cash only in the envelope as change will not be given. 
  • Bring your envelopes ON PHOTO DAY Tuesday 11th March 2025. Do not hand the envelope into the school office – the envelope is collected from your child by the photographers. 
  • The prepaid envelopes are personalised - please check that the details are correct. If you are a new family to the school and your child does not have a personalised envelope, please ask the administration office for an envelope. Your child will get a generic envelope with their name written on it - check these details as well. 


Sibling photo 

If you wish to purchase a sibling photo, you can collect the envelope from the administration office of the Bunin. Sibling photos will be taken on Monday 10th March. Any sibling photos which are unable to be taken on Monday 10th March will be taken on Tuesday 11th March. 


Cash payment is to be made on the day using the envelope. Payment by credit card can be made online at Please note the following: $1.50 Processing Fees will be included on all online transactions. The envelope must be handed to the photographer on photo day. 

If you have any questions about photo day, please send an email to